California Travel

Swimming with Sea Lions and Leopard Sharks in La Jolla

October 29, 2017
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Did you know you can swim with Sea Lions and Leopard Shark in La Jolla?  Did you say no?  Great. Allow me to tell you that you can swim with both on the same day and is  free. Free! 

The Sea Lions are in the area year round but the Leopard sharks are from June to December, the peak being July and August. You cannot miss this opportunity!

Swimming with Sea Lions is one of the best thing I have ever done. They behave much like dogs and having one face to face several times was incredible. They are so curious and playful.

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That guy on the photo was like a little puppy, watching me from the distance until he got used to me being there, I supposed. After a minute or so he came to me  and stayed right in front of me like; are we gonna play or what?  Then he started swimming around me like playing some kind of hide and seek. It was unreal, definitely an experience I will never forget.

The best part is that it was totally unexpected (one of the advantages of traveling). When I woke up that morning, the last thing that crossed my mind is that I was gonna be having one of the best experiences of my life playing and sharing the ocean with such awesome animals. Luckily I had just bought a four dollar snorkeling mask to swim with the Leopard Sharks.

Unfortunately, I cannot say the same about the sharks since I only manage to see one and it was more like a black shadow that quickly disappeared. The good thing is that I can help you have a better experience than I did. 

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La Jolla Cove

Sea Lions 

You can find Sea Lions at the Children’s Pool Beach and in La Jolla Cove. But to swim with them you will have to go several steps down the road to La Jolla Cove, a small and picturesque beach surrounded by cliffs.

If you are an avid swimmer all you need to do is put on the snorkeling mask and fins (fins very useful but not necessary) and then go to the rock where you’ll see them resting and swimming around.

If you are not a good swimmer or you are with kids that’s not a problem at all. Place yourself where the red circle is on picture below, the water should be waist to chest height. With a little patience I assure you will see a couple swimming around you since they are very active and often swim around the cove.

Since I didn’t have fins, I spent most of the time on that area and they came around multiple times.

Not everything is peaches and cream though. As they say: “Everything comes with a price” and having to breathe the strong door of the cove is quite the pay. Although it’s another reason to spend more time in the water having fun that out of it. 

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Leopard Sharks

Leopard Sharks are harmless to humans, they grow to 3-5 ft long and are usually found in 4 m (13 ft) deep from the US state of Oregon to Mexico. Scientists believe that 98% of the Leopard sharks in La Jolla Shores are female, and are pregnant.

As I said earlier the swim with the sharks wasn’t what I expected. but is my fault since I spent too much time with the Sea Lions. By time I got to La Jolla Shores it was super crowded and the visibility very limited.

Tip: If you’re planning to swim with both I recommend to do the swim with sharks first thing in the morning and then the Sea Lions.

Some say that is good to go late in the afternoon as well, when the water is warmer.

The Sharks are located in La Jolla Shores, more specifically right in front of ‘The Marine Room’ and to the left when looking at the ocean. Find a parking space in the neighborhood, and go through the path to the beach alongside the restaurant.

Marine Room address: 2000 Spindrift Dr, La Jolla, CA 92037

One last thing, shuffle when you are getting into the water to avoid stepping onto a stingray.  


Have you ever swim with Sea Lions or sharks?     Let me know on the comments.

Thanks for reading.

j ⋀⋁ i e r ✧ ☽

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