About Us

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We are Javier and Gabriela and are from the beautiful island of Puerto Rico that loves to travel, whether it be trips to the mountains, the beach, big cities or small towns. It doesn’t matter where, we just want to go out. 🙂

At the moment we are living in the famous german state of Bavaria and are focused on exploring Europe.

If you are planning on coming to Europe soon sit tight because we have a lot of content coming your way.

Besides traveling I (Javier) love to make videos, take photos, learn languages, and eat pizza with a beer or tow. Gabriela is into fashion and loves shopping for clothing at low prices. Therefore, she’s usually the one booking the tickets and lodging. She also likes watching comedy shows on Netflix.

Style of Travel

We are not ones to spend a lot while traveling. Always try to find cheap tickets and usually stay in hostels or family owned hotels. I would say we are on the budget side, though not budget budget like a backpacker.

Like to travel cheap? Then this is your place!!

If we are in cities we don’t go to many museums, or spend money in expensive attractions. We like to hang around the cities getting its vibes while taking photos and videos and trying to do things locals would do. And if are in the mountains or at the beach is a lot easier to not to spend money as exploring nature is usually free or very cheap.

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